Coordinates for navigators: N. 40.922739 E. 14.544761

By car:

Coming from NORTH

Highway A1 Rome-Naples and just after Caserta North, follow exit to A30 Avellino-Bari-Salerno.
First road sign NOLA 17.5 km.
Exit Nola

Coming from SOUTH

From Salerno A30 Highway exit Nola
From Naples A 16 Highway exit Caserta-Nola

Exit Nola, pass the toll, following the signs keeping right.
directions NOLA –Hospital SS7bis

Keep going straight on, you’ll have to cross 4 roundabouts , continuing straight on. After the last roundabout on the overpass you’ll see, on the left, “hotel palace Giordano Bruno”, curious architecture with palm trees. Keep on going.

At the next traffic lights, generally not working, take a right, direction Hospital.

Passing under a concrete bridge, you will arrive at a mini roundabout and go straight on, (there is a pharmacy on the left), you go straight through via dei mille, you will pass a small Conad supermarket on the right, and follow Hospital signs, turning left , pass the Hospital Emergency Room Entrance. Next roundabout turn right. The next street sign will show Relais Castelcicala, Castelcicala Castle and Villa Minieri. Turn here going up the hill, then first on your right you’re finally arrived.

It Sounds complicated but but it really isn’t, from the highway exit it’s just 10 minutes.

By train

From Naples Central Station take the line “Circumvesuviana Napoli-Baiano.
From Naples to Nola it takes about 40 minutes.
From Circumvesuviana Nola to Villa Castelcicala about 20 minutes, walking distance

By plane

Napels International Airport – follow highway Napoli-Bari A16 – abt 15 km – exit Nola. From the airport it’s  about 30 minutes.